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24 Souls Leader of leaders Baptism - Encounter Retreat

Glory to God in the highest!! Our encounter retreat is getting stronger and stronger!!! Last encounter on February 2, 2014, there were only eleven (11) souls committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This April 17 to 19, 2014 encounter retreat, twenty four (24) souls were committed to follow Christ and were baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

As the bible says that all the angels of heaven are celebrating if just only one soul will accept Christ Jesus. I believe in my heart that the heavens are rejoicing joyfully and they are feasting for these souls who commit their lives to follow the Lordship of Jesus Christ. 

Big thanks for the leaders who contribute for their registration and for the realization of this event. The encounter cannot go without your wholehearted supports even if in the last day we are short of the budget, but God really supply all the needs until the baptism day. He gave us the support from the chosen people who are willing and touched by God because they also bless by the Lord.

Thanks to our beloved Pastor Bob Manliguez and his wife who is very supportive especially in the financial problem.

To all the speakers of the encounter and all the spiritual guides, a very "Big Thank You" for your support and care for the souls that is entrusted to you. Our journey does not end here. We have a long way of processes for these souls so that they will become like Christ. Let us imitate Christ and be a leader of leaders.

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