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How to become a loyal leader? - Close cell

In order for us to achieve our success in spreading the word of God and win souls for Christ, we must possess the attitude of loyalty to God and to our leaders. It is not possible when you say that you are loyal to God that you cannot see and showing disloyal to your leaders. Even David did not lay his hand on Saul when God handed it to him. In 1st Samuel chapter 26 verse 9, David said, "Don't destroy him! Who can lay a hand on the Lord's anointed and be guiltless?" Meaning, we don't have the right to mock or prejudge our leaders in the wrong doings they commit. Only God has the right to do that.

Now how to become a loyal leader? We have eight  answers for us to know.

A. Full persuasion - We must be fully convinced/persuaded about the characters of our leaders. Every accusation, trial and testing that will come to our leaders, our loyalty will remain on him/her.
B. Our loyalty must go to the higher authority which is the government of God (Bible base).
C. We must not withhold information. Every downfall and up of our lives  must be open to our leaders especially when there is problem in your down line. No false reporting.
D. We must not based on our emotions but rather be based on principles. 
E. Our loyalty will cost our relationships and friendships. Meaning, our loyalty must be focus on Godly desires not on worldly desires. This is what James chapter 4 verse 4 said "Whoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."
F. Our loyalty may cost us physical things. This requires our time, our money, and our personal owned property to be used by God. Don't worry, God will not take all that you have but only test your heart so that He can bless you more than what you have.
G. Our loyalty demands analysis. Let us analyze on the teaching and the characters of a person before he deserves our loyalty. Let God reveals it to you.
H. Loyalty is conclusively being an armor bearer. This is to protect our leaders from all accusations. 

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