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Shine's devotional time - "God has given me a reason to endure."

This morning, February 19, 2014, I woke with sadness in my heart brought by some problems and conflicts that occurs in my life. But I get up from my bed with faith in my heart and spent a quiet time with my LORD early in the morning in my daily devotional. God gave me His Word in Galatians 3:12-17 where He revealed to me new things, restored my heart and transformed my mind. In these verses, God taught me to be gentle, kind, humble, meek and to be patient at all times. He reminded me to forgive everyone who does wrong to me just as He has forgiven me and to let the peace that comes from Christ control my thoughts and be grateful for everything I have. 
Hmmmm…. I may not understand the things that are happening in my life these days but God has given me all the reasons to endure using the power of His Words that are written in the BIBLE. And lastly, today I have learned that LOVE is more important than anything else coz it is what ties everything completely together as He says in verse 14. God assures me that He loves me and that He chose me to be one of His people where His Words will always be my guide as I go and serve Him wholeheartedly.
With a thankful heart, I will sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to my King and put in my heart that whatever I say or do should be done in the Name of the Lord Jesus as I give thanks to God the father because of Him. And now I can wear my smile as beautiful as God’s presence n my life. This just proves that daily devotional is the most vital necessity which we must do faithfully.

1 comment:

  1. Kuya Ed, I just knew it today that you posted it on your blog almost two years ago.. Thank You Kuya.. I was checking blogs today coz I woke up this morning with a desire in my heart to express my faith thru writing and that is on blogs! I hope you can help me with this! Thank you Kuya! God bless you even more!


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